Philippians 2:14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing.  (CEV)

THIS IS HARD TO DO!!!  Well, for most of us it is hard to do.  We need help!  We need God’s help to obey this command He has given us.  But look in verse 13.

Philippians 2:13 God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him. (CEV)

Like a good father (and God is the best and greatest Father), God doesn’t just tell us to do something without being there to help us do it!  He will help us to not grumble or argue…IF…we keep our lives in His hand.  So what does that mean?

If we seek God.  If we keep Him in the middle of everything we do.  If we run to Him with our struggles.  If we trust Him to help us.  If we seek to obey Him.  If we know Him personally, He will help us obey and he will give us His peace.

My mom used to say, “Before you say anything (mean or angry or grumble), count to 10.”  This gave us time to calm down and not just say the first thing out of our mouths.  It stopped a lot of anger and grumbling.

But what I am saying is while we are taking Mom’s advise and counting to 10, we need to pray and ask the Lord to calm us down.  Ask for His help.  He is waiting and wanting to help us.